Finishing All of the Friendship Bracelets- 20% Project, Week 5

For week five of my 20% project, I completed the letter bracelet. I took a few photos of the friendship bracelets I had made over the course of the project. Moreover, I started planning the layout of my tri-fold as I also planned to incorporate the photos in it.  

Unfortunately, I didn’t get as much work done as I had wanted to due to my struggles with procrastination and the fact that the letter bracelet was very time-consuming. I foresee that as long as I stay on task next week, I don’t have to make any major adjustments.

Next week, I hope to have a more productive week by setting goals and making sure I execute them before my deadline. I will be working on my tri-fold. In my tri-fold, I will be including the forward and backward knots as well as the bracelets. I will also be working on my how-to make-the-chevron bracelet video.

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